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What should Female Tourists Wear in Morocco?

10-day tour from Marrakech

What should Female Tourists Wear in Morocco

What should Female Tourists Wear in Morocco, our country is a dynamic tapestry of culture and landscape, beckons millions of visitors annually with its bustling cities, tranquil beaches, and breathtaking desert vistas. For female tourists, navigating the country’s conservative culture and adhering to its dress code is crucial. This guide aims to provide insights into appropriate attire for female tourists in Morocco, tailored to specific destinations and planned activities.

Morocco, predominantly adherent to Islam, places a premium on modesty within its cultural fabric. While tourist hubs may allow for a more relaxed dress code, it is imperative to adopt a conservative wardrobe when venturing into traditional or conservative locales. This entails covering arms and legs, and steering clear of attire that may be deemed revealing or form-fitting.

In tandem with dress considerations, cultural sensitivity and respect should remain at the forefront of a visitor’s mindset when exploring Morocco. Familiarizing oneself with local customs and traditions, and conducting oneself in a manner that demonstrates reverence for the country and its inhabitants, is paramount. By adhering to these principles, female tourists can embark on an enriching and mutually respectful journey, basking in the splendor and diversity that Morocco graciously offers.

Understanding the Culture and Dress Code in Morocco

Best All-Inclusive Trips to Morocco

When starting on a journey to Morocco, it is paramount to appreciate and honor the cultural norms that shape the country’s fabric, particularly in matters of attire. As a predominantly Muslim nation, Morocco places great emphasis on modesty as a cornerstone of its culture. Consequently, female tourists should be conscientious of the local dress code and ensure their clothing aligns with the customs of the region.

While in Morocco, it is commonplace to observe women adorning a hijab or headscarf, especially in more conservative enclaves. While it is not obligatory for female tourists to adopt this practice, it is imperative to don attire that embraces modesty, as a gesture of respect for the prevailing local culture. This entails steering clear of clothing that may be considered overly revealing or form-fitting, such as shorts, tank tops, and mini skirts.

Instead, it is advisable for female tourists to opt for loose-fitting garments that drape over the arms and legs, such as long skirts, maxi dresses, and trousers. Carrying a lightweight scarf or shawl to drape over the shoulders can also be a prudent choice, offering an added layer of versatility and respect for local customs.

When entering mosques or other religious sites, a heightened level of conservatism in attire is imperative. Women should veil their hair and envelop themselves in garments that cover the entire body, including the arms and legs. While some mosques may provide robes or scarves for visitors, it is always judicious to carry one’s own, ensuring preparedness for any eventuality.

Choosing the Right Clothing for Your Trip to Morocco

When preparing for your journey to Morocco, striking a balance between comfort and cultural appropriateness is paramount. Here are some guidelines to help you assemble the ideal wardrobe for your Moroccan adventure:

1. Prioritize Lightweight, Breathable Fabrics: Given Morocco’s potentially hot and humid climate, especially in the summer months, opt for garments made from lightweight, breathable materials like cotton and linen. These choices will help ensure you stay cool and comfortable throughout your trip.

2. Choose Loose-Fitting Attire: As previously noted, modesty holds great significance in Moroccan culture. Therefore, it is advisable to select clothing that drapes loosely and covers both arms and legs. This not only demonstrates respect for local customs but also provides added protection from the sun.

3. Select Comfortable Footwear: Morocco often entails a fair amount of walking, so packing comfortable shoes capable of handling varied terrain is crucial. Sneakers or closed-toe sandals are excellent options, particularly if you plan on exploring bustling medinas or embarking on adventures in the rugged Atlas Mountains.

4. Include a Lightweight Jacket or Sweater: While Morocco generally boasts sunny and warm weather, temperatures can experience a dip, especially in the desert, come nightfall. Carrying a lightweight jacket or sweater is a prudent measure to ensure you stay snug during these cooler moments.

5. Anticipate Cultural Activities: If you intend to visit mosques, it is vital to have clothing that covers both arms and legs, accompanied by a scarf or shawl to veil your head. Additionally, having a long skirt or dress on hand is advisable for more formal occasions.

By thoughtfully curating your wardrobe for Morocco, you not only guarantee comfort throughout your travels but also demonstrate deep respect for the local culture and traditions.

Dressing Modestly: Tips for Female Tourists in Morocco

Best All-Inclusive Trips to Morocco desert

When considering what female tourists should wear in Morocco, there are several important considerations. Firstly, prioritize clothing made from lightweight, breathable fabrics like cotton and linen, as Morocco can experience high temperatures and humidity. Opt for loose-fitting garments that cover both the arms and legs, such as long skirts, maxi dresses, and trousers.

It’s advisable to steer clear of clothing that may be overly revealing or form-fitting, such as shorts, tank tops, and mini skirts, especially in more conservative areas. In these locales, it may also be necessary to cover your head with a scarf or shawl, so it’s always wise to have one on hand.

Although Morocco typically enjoys warm and sunny weather, temperatures can drop at night, particularly in the desert. Carrying a lightweight jacket or sweater is a practical measure to ensure you stay comfortably warm during these cooler moments.

Additionally, consider any cultural activities you may partake in. For instance, if you plan on visiting mosques, it’s imperative to don attire that covers both arms and legs, and don a scarf or shawl to cover your head. Having a long skirt or dress for more formal occasions is also a thoughtful addition to your wardrobe.

By adhering to modest attire as a female tourist in Morocco, you not only display respect for the local culture and customs, but you also enhance your own comfort and confidence during your travels. Remember to select clothing that is not only suitable but also comfortable for your journey, and always remain mindful of the local dress code and customs.

What should female tourists Wear in Morocco: Cities, Beaches, and the Desert

Morocco offers a diverse array of experiences, from vibrant cities to serene beaches and the expansive desert. Below are tailored tips on what female tourists should wear in each of these settings:


In urban centers like Marrakech and Casablanca, opt for modest and conservative attire. Choose clothing that covers both arms and legs, steering clear of anything overly revealing or snug. Maxi dresses, long skirts, and trousers made from lightweight, breathable fabrics like cotton and linen are excellent choices. Carrying a scarf or shawl to veil your head, if needed, is also a considerate addition.


While Morocco boasts stunning beaches, it remains crucial to maintain modesty. Opt for a one-piece swimsuit or a bikini with a cover-up, such as a sarong or a beach dress. Carrying a lightweight, breathable top to don over your swimsuit when strolling around is also advisable.


For desert excursions, it is imperative to dress appropriately for the extreme temperatures. During daylight hours, prioritize lightweight, loose-fitting attire crafted from breathable fabrics like linen or cotton. A wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses provide added protection from the sun. Given that nighttime temperatures can drop significantly, bringing along a warm jacket or sweater is a prudent measure.

Regardless of the setting, it remains paramount to dress modestly and respectfully in Morocco. This entails selecting clothing that covers both arms and legs while eschewing anything excessively revealing or form-fitting. By adhering to these guidelines, you not only demonstrate respect for the local culture and customs but also enhance your own comfort and confidence during your travels.

Practical Clothing Accessories for Your Morocco Trip

When considering what female tourists should wear in Morocco, it’s not only about the clothing you bring, but also the accessories that can enhance your trip’s comfort and enjoyment. Here are some practical clothing accessories to consider bringing on your Morocco trip:

1. Sun hat: Given Morocco’s potentially hot and sunny climate, a wide-brimmed sun hat is essential for shielding your face and neck from the sun’s rays.

2. Sunglasses: A quality pair of sunglasses is also vital for safeguarding your eyes from the sun’s glare.

3. Scarf or shawl:  A lightweight scarf or shawl serves multiple functions, from covering your head in more conservative areas to providing an extra layer of warmth at night.

4. Comfortable shoes: Morocco’s cities and towns often feature uneven or cobbled streets, making comfortable shoes a necessity. Opt for closed-toe footwear that offers adequate support and traction on various surfaces.

5. Daypack or tote bag:  A small daypack or tote bag proves invaluable for carrying essentials like water, snacks, and a camera, while leaving your hands free.

6. Money belt: A money belt can significantly enhance the security of your valuables, particularly in crowded areas or on public transportation.

7. Travel-sized umbrella: While Morocco generally enjoys sunny weather, occasional rain showers, especially during the winter months, are possible. A compact travel-sized umbrella can be a useful addition during such times.

By including these practical clothing accessories in your packing, you’ll be well-prepared for any situation during your Morocco trip, whether you’re exploring the cities or embarking on desert hikes. Remember to choose items that balance functionality with comfort, and always remain mindful of the local culture and customs, particularly regarding dress codes and behavior.

Cultural Sensitivity and Respect: What should Female Tourists wear in Morocco

What should Female Tourists Wear in Morocco

As a female tourist in Morocco, demonstrating an understanding of the local culture and customs is crucial for showing respect towards the country and its people. Here are some additional tips on how to be culturally sensitive and considerate during your trip:

1. Learn basic Arabic phrases: While many Moroccans speak French or English, making an effort to learn a few basic Arabic phrases can go a long way in demonstrating respect and establishing a connection with locals.

2. Request permission before taking photos: Moroccan culture places significant importance on privacy. It is essential to ask for permission before capturing photographs, especially of women and children.

3. Show reverence for religious sites and practices: Morocco is a predominantly Muslim country. It’s imperative to be mindful of and show respect for Islamic customs and practices. When visiting mosques or other religious sites, ensure you dress modestly and remove your shoes before entering.

4. Refrain from public displays of affection: While public displays of affection may be acceptable in certain Western cultures, it is generally discouraged in Morocco, especially outside of designated tourist areas.

5. Exercise consideration in your conduct: Remember that as a visitor to Morocco, you are a guest. It is of utmost importance to be considerate of local customs and traditions. Avoid engaging in behavior that might be perceived as disrespectful, such as being loud or disruptive in public spaces.

By demonstrating respect and sensitivity towards Moroccan culture and customs, you not only enrich your travel experience with authenticity, but also contribute to fostering positive interactions between locals and tourists.

About the author

Tour to Morocco organizes private and group tours in Morocco. We are specialized in customized tours. Our travelers can design and customize their trips as they wish.

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